20th September 2024

Search Hardingstone Parish Council

Serving the people of Hardingstone

How to Contact the Police

How to contact Northants POLICE

To report crimes, incidents and pass information to Northamptonshire Police.
Phone: 999 in an emergency, for non-urgent matters call 101.

Or use the online system, it's quick and easy, and has lots of useful advice.
Crimes and Incidents: www.northants.police.ukclick the report button

Give Information: www.northants.police.uk/contact/cubp/northants/tell-us-about-something-youve-seen-or-heard/

Anonymously at: www.crimestoppers-uk.org/ or by telephone 0800 555 111.

To submit Dashcam footage:

For Thanks and Complaints:

They are on Facebook: www.facebook.com/northamptonpolice/
They are on Twitter: www.twitter.com/NptonPolice

NeighbourhoodTeamNorthampton@northants.pnn.police.uk, this is not an appropriate method to report crimes and incidents. It is not monitored 24/7.