20th September 2024

Search Hardingstone Parish Council

Serving the people of Hardingstone

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Notice of Casual Vacancy July 2024 - Vacancy for Parish Councillor Hardingstone Parish Council

Notice of Casual Vacancy arising from the resignation of Cllr Merritt

Due to the resignation of Cllr Violet Angus there is a vacancy on the council

Nolan Principles

Tue, 15 Mar 2022

There are 7 Nolan Principles by which all councillors should behave.

Notice of Vacancy due to resignation of Cllr David Laughton

Code of Conduct 2022

Tue, 23 Jun 2020

Hardingstone Code of Conduct

This is the form and guidance should you wish to stand for parish councillor at the elections on May 7th 2020.

Forms will need to be hand delivered to Northampton Borough Council between 10am and 4pm on working days between 30th March and 8th April.

Call 01604 837304 for a member of staff to be able to...

Hardingstone Parish Council has a vacancy for parish councillor. Please contact the parish council clerk or an existing councilllor for more information or to apply.

Expenses form for councillors

We have a vacancy for parish councillor

Councillor Vacancy

Thu, 2 Nov 2017

The Parish Council have a vacancy they wish to fill by Co-option. If you are interested please contact the clerk.

Notice of Vacancy due to resignation of Cllr Dee Kelk.

Hardingstone Standing Orders

Details of Councillor Vacancy