19th September 2024

Search Hardingstone Parish Council

Serving the people of Hardingstone

Wymersley Green Development Presentation

On Friday 13th September 2024 two parish councillors attended a two hour presentation at the village hall on the proposed development of 650 houses now called Wymersley Green.(Pronounced Wimmersley)

Homes England explained the investigations they have done in the pre-planning application stage: archaeological, ecological, wildlife, water drainage etc.

There will be wild areas to mitigate habitat loss.

Most of what we know as Lewis's Lane will be a walking/cycling path joining adjacent areas such as Brackmills and the National Cycle Network.

A new road will be built for motor vehicles.

Vehicle access to the estate will be from a roundabout on the Newport Pagnell Rd. through the neighbouring development Hampton Green.

The road layout will be configured to deter vehicles exiting via the village of Great Houghton.

Negotiations are taking place with Stagecoach for a half hourly bus service.

The Parish Council expressed the following objections:

The B526 Newport Pagnell Road is inadequate for the volume of traffic generated, not only by this development but the numerous others either side of the road.

The Queen Eleanor roundabout, even when eventually modified, will be a bottle-neck resulting in tailbacks in all directions on feeder roads, resulting in air pollution problems.

Vehicles heading for Junction15 will cut through Wootton Fields, and Hardingstone will be a rat run.

The presenters countered this by saying that many residents would either be working from home or commute locally by cycle, Voi scooter or bus.

We disputed this idea as wishful thinking.

Also there is no provision for healthcare- G.P. surgery etc. despite money (Section 106) having already been paid to the N.H.S. for this.

We feel that development without adequate infrastructure is unsustainable.

If you wish to find out more about the Wymersley Green development please follow the link 0-residents-leaflet-wymersley-green-land-at-the-green.pdf (hardingstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk). Let the developers know your views!

Posted: Tue, 17 Sep 2024

Tags: News, Parish Council, Planning, Report, West Northants Council, hardingstone